Welcome Guests

The ministries of Faith Evangelical Free Church are means to meet our goals to exalt, edify, and evangelize.

Welcome from our Pastor

Faith is a neighborhood church. We are also a part of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA). This means that while we have a local purpose and passion and ministries, we also are involved in the wider work of God, helping plant new churches to reach people in other parts of Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota with the Rocky Mountain District of the EFCA. As a part of the EFCA, we share in their work both nationally and across the globe, working together with about 1000 other churches to accomplish more than we could ever do on our own.

Our playground, which is available and enjoyed by our neighborhood kids and families and provides a safe place for children to play, reflects our desire for Faith to be a place where folks can come to Exalt (honor with praise) God, Edify (strengthen and encourage) one another and Evangelize (share the good news and love of Jesus) with others.

We’re the kind of church that you’d walk to if you lived close enough. Everyone here matters and has a purpose to fulfill as a part of the local church. You are welcome to quietly visit and check us out, and while we will welcome you, please take whatever time and space you need to get to know us.

We have room for you to become involved, grow, serve and thrive as your worship and walk with God is nourished through the Scriptures, fellowship and service.


We are driven by a passion to Exalt God, which is reflected in our worship services. Our music provides us an opportunity to sing to God and remind ourselves of who He is and what He has done for us. Our time spent looking into God’s Word reveals our understanding that the Bible is God’s personal revelation of Himself to us. Through studying the Bible we can learn about God and come to have a relationship with Him. 

We are passionate about Edifying one another. Growing in our understanding and ability to know and apply the truths of the Bible to our daily lives, being challenged and encouraged by one another and by serving as examples to each other lifts us up and helps us become more like Jesus.


We are also passionate about Evangelism, living out the good news of Jesus in our own lives and taking the message of the gospel to those around us, in our wider community, and to other parts of our country and globe. We support the work of others and also seek to serve, personally, wherever God has placed us. Our faith matters, not just to us, but it also ought to favorably impact those around us.

Helpful Info for our Guests

Children’s church

After starting the service with their families at 9:30, children, aged 4-9 are invited to head to children’s church, where they can enjoy a lesson based on the day’s sermon, along with an applicable worship bulletin, snack and prayer.


Nursery Care 

Our nursery is open to children aged newborn-3 . Our nursery staff are eager to meet you and your children. Take a moment to get familiarized with our workers and ensure that your child will be safe and comfortable with us.



We strive to ensure that all of our music and lyrics focus on God, who He is and what He has done and is doing for us. We usually have a combination of contemporary songs along with an older hymn or two that pertains to Sunday’s message, or that focuses on an attribute of God.  Rather than performance, our emphasis is on participation, believing we should worship God together. If you are not used to the combining of newer and older music in the same service, you may be pleasantly surprised by how well it centers on God.



Look for the tie! There is usually at least one. There is also usually at least one Hawaiian shirt. You may also see a dress or skirt, too. In other words, most folks feel comfortable coming in their Sunday Casual clothes – not too grubby and not too formal. Knowing that God looks at our hearts, please don’t stress too much about what to wear.


Offering / Giving / Support

If you are visiting, you are our guests and you are not obligated to support the work of our church! For those interested, we do have an offering plate at the back, or you can simply use your bank’s bill pay service to designate your gift. Biblically, the choice to give, and the amount you give is always your own personal decision. We’re debt free and have our financial information available at our business meetings that are open to all. About 25% of our budget supports our missions and missionaries – both locally and internationally.



God has revealed Himself to us in Creation and in his Word. In order to better know God, love God and serve God, we spend time each Sunday hearing a sermon that develops, explains and applies the Bible to us. We usually have a sermon series that will work through a book of the Bible over the course of several weeks. The sermon is about 30 minutes in length, and there is an outline provided in our bulletin so that you can follow along or take notes.

An added benefit at Faith is the ability to have instant personal follow-up with Pastor Gordon to get questions answered or things clarified during our snack time following the service.



Following the service, join us for some conversation and free coffee, tea and snacks.


Sunday School

No one is too old to learn more about Jesus and how to live out their faith! Our adult Sunday School meets in the main sanctuary from 11:00 to 11:45 and is led by our gifted lay teachers. Our youth class meets in its own annex building, and the primary classes meet down the north hallway. All our childrens’ classes have multiple vetted leaders present.



You will find public washrooms down both hallways off the main entry doors. Our nursery also has its own washroom for our little ones.

Contact the church office for more information of Faith EFC.